Teodor is a Romanian qualified attorney with solid academic background, being educated in France and Romania. He graduated from Titu Maiorescu University – Faculty of Law in 2006 and from Dimitrie Cantemir University – Faculty of Foreign Languages in 2008. He also graduated the law courses of University of Orléans, France, and is currently attending the MBA courses of Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) and the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts of Paris (CNAM). He also holds a Master Degree in European Law. He was admitted to the Bucharest Bar Association in 2007. Teodor has over 14 years of legal experience in the field of Dispute Resolution & Litigation and International Arbitration, during which time he has represented important companies and individuals with regard to Corporate & Commercial, Real Estate & Constructions, Aviation, State Aid, Employment, Insolvency, Tax and Administrative Proceedings matters.
Languages: Romanian, English, French.
E-mail: [email protected]

:: Teodor Hnatec este membru JURIDICE.ro [click aici pentru detalii]
:: Speaker la dezbaterile Societății de Științe Juridice [click aici pentru lista participărilor]
:: Participări la conferințele Societății de Științe Juridice [click aici pentru lista participărilor]

Ultima actualizare a acestei pagini: 1 august 2022