Radu Diaconu
Contact details
T: +40 21 402 41 00
E-mail: [email protected]
LinkedIn: Radu Diaconu
Radu is Managing Partner at Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL and a member of the Bucharest Bar.
Recognized corporate and finance transactional lawyer. Business catalyst
Bucharest, RO
Radu joined EY in 2013 and was promoted as Associate Partner in 2017. Previously, he worked for two Magic Circle law firms.
With over 12 years of experience as a business lawyer, he is specialized both as a corporate transactional lawyer (providing both M&A assistance and advisory work) and as a finance transactional lawyer (including derivatives and treasury products). He is experienced in advising strategic investors, banks and investment funds on various types of transactions on the Romanian market.
Radu is a member of the Bucharest Bar and holds degrees from the University of Bucharest (Law) and the Academy of Economic Studies – Bucharest (Finance).
He has a PhD in international commercial law (in the field of non-bank financial institutions) and publishes
regularly in both business and legal periodicals
Radu enjoys the thrill of a good puzzle. Building a team of highly skilled professionals, with powerful personalities, while empowering people to be their most efficient and result oriented version of themselves is no different. He is passionate about leading a business of success in a challenging and constantly changing
:: Radu Diaconu este membru JURIDICE.ro [click aici pentru detalii]
:: Mențiuni în articole JURIDICE.ro [click aici pentru toate articolele]
:: Speaker la dezbaterile Societății de Științe Juridice [click aici pentru lista participărilor]
:: Participări la conferințele Societății de Științe Juridice [click aici pentru lista participărilor]
:: Participări la evenimente [click aici pentru evenimente]
Ultima actualizare a acestei pagini: 10 mai 2022