Lucian Danilescu
Lucian is a founding partner of DANILESCU HULUB.
He has more than 16 years of practice, out of which 13 years he was a member of Zamfirescu Racoti Predoiu, being a partner with this law firm since 2007.
He handled aspects of complex deals and highly structured transactions in key energy sectors such as hydropower, thermoelectric energy, nuclear energy, oil and gas, petrochemicals, and most recent in renewable energy, wind power and solar.
Lucian has a wide-ranging transactional practice, specializing in mergers and acquisitions and commercial corporate for more than 15 years.
In addition, he was involved in all types of real estate projects, from office buildings, residential and logistic related projects to, more recently, port concessions, complex acquisitions and development of forest and agricultural land.
More recently Lucian rendered advice for significant projects regarding regulatory framework for port operations, ports management bodies, port developments, European port services legal environment, and port concessions.
Lucian rendered advice for significant financing transactions, while assisting clients in negotiating with governmental and international agencies as well as with banking corporations, such as World Bank, EBRD and IFC.
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Ultima actualizare a acestei pagini: 1 august 2022