Diana Bulgaru-Iliescu

Diana Bulgaru-Iliescu, Forensic MD and Director of the Institute of Legal Medicine Iasi, Romania. She graduated University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T Popa” Iasi and Faculty of Law, University “Lucian Blaga” Sibiu, Romania. She holds a PhD in Medical Sciences and has a Master in Bioethics. She is a member of the Superior Committee of Legal Medicine, founding member of the Romanian Society of Bioethics and member of the Legal medicine Society. Author/co-author of over 80 articles published in scientific journals with high impact, chapters and books in the field of forensics. Associated Professor since 2005 of the Faculty of Law at Al. I. Cuza University in Iasi and beginning with 2015, Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, at University Gr. T Popa, Iasi.