Daniel Barbu
Daniel Barbu is one of the founding partners of DBP. He is both an insolvency practitioner and a lawyer in the Bucharest Bar. He has a vast experience in turnaround and insolvency procedures, whereas he acted in numerous capacities in complex procedures, representing all stakeholders in said scenarios, such as the debtor companies undergoing insolvency or turnaround, the creditors seeking recovery on their receivables as well as the management of the companies facing financial distress in various industries, as per below.
He further held numerous roles, such as insolvency practitioner and/or receiver in said procedures, special administrator, and lawyer for different participants in the procedures.
For example, Mr. Barbu acted as a judicial administrator or as a receiver in the following cases: (i) The Administration of the Public and Private Domain Giurgiu SA, whereas the company mainly carried out administration activities of the public and private domain of Giurgiu city, performed repairs and maintenance works of the public domain, including roads, etc.; (ii) Eltrix SRL, this being one of the largest companies producing advertising materials; (iii) Bucuresti Sud Beton SRL, a company producing concrete and other building materials; (iv) Omaum Construct SRL, a company having as main activity road and highways construction; (v) SIAT SA, a company active in the research and development for the industry, agriculture, medicine, environment, and environmental protection.
Mr. Barbu took part, as lawyer, representing the debtor in complex insolvency cases such as: Cuprom S.A., Urban S.A, Societatea de Constructii in Transporturi Bucuresti S.A.
He constantly represents clients being creditors in complex insolvency cases such as: (i) First Bank SA; (ii) Banca Transilvania SA; (iii) Garanti Bank, and so on, and used to represent clients such as IVECO Capital Leasing IFN SA, Rotary Construcţii SRL in insolvency cases, arbitration and other litigation procedures.
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Ultima actualizare a acestei pagini: 7 iunie 2023